I updated my previous script to include support for the API on hashes.org, thus it is not limited to MD5 anymore. An API key is required if you choose to use hashes.org. You can get a key here.
Usage is very simple: execute without arguments, choose which API you want to use and enter the name of the file containing the hashes. If using the hashes.org API, you have the option of automatically storing you key in a file to avoiding entering it each time you run the script.
Do NOT use this for illegal purposes.
git clone https://github.com/nxnjz/unhashit.git
cd unhashit
Requirements: Python3 with the sys, os and requests modules.
Output is in the following format:
hash : plain-text-value : algorithm (if found)
hash : “notfound” (if not found)
The following code is outdated, you should get it from github.
#!/usr/bin/python3 #NXNJZ.NET import sys import os import requests def key_mng(): try: global apikey apikey_file = open("hashes.org-api.key",) apikey = apikey_file.read() except FileNotFoundError: apikey = input("The file 'hashes.org-api.key' containing the api key was not found, enter your api key: ") savefile = input("\nWould you like to store this key in a file to avoid entering it every time? (y/n): ") if savefile == 'y': with open("hashes.org-api.key", "w") as apikey_file : apikey_file.write(apikey) os.chmod("hashes.org-api.key", 0o600) print("\nYour key was written to hashes.org-api.key, permissions set to rw------- (owner read/write, group nothing, others nothing)") def multi_check(apikey, multi_hash): apiurl = "https://hashes.org/api.php?key=" + apikey + "&query=" + multi_hash rr = requests.get(apiurl) if rr.json()['status'] == 'success': try: plaintxt = rr.json()['result'][multi_hash]['plain'] algo = rr.json()['result'][multi_hash]['algorithm'] result = multi_hash + " : " + plaintxt + " : " + algo except TypeError: result = multi_hash + " : notfound" print(result) else: print("Error querying the hashes.org API, you may have overused it in a short period of time. ") def md5_check(md5hash): apiurl = "http://www.nitrxgen.net/md5db/" + str(md5hash) r = requests.get(apiurl) if r.text != "": result = md5hash + " : " + r.text + " : MD5" else: result = md5hash + " : notfound" print(result) print("This script uses APIs on nitrxgden.net and hashes.org. Do NOT use for illegal purposes\n") print("\n1. Nitrxgen.net (MD5 only, unlimited requests)") print("\n2. Hashes.org (API key required, 100 requests per 5 minutes allowed)") api_choice = input("\n\n Choose: ") if api_choice == '1': filename = input("Enter filename (one MD5 hash per line): ") with open(filename) as md5_file: for line in md5_file: md5_check(line.strip()) elif api_choice == '2': key_mng() filename = input("Enter filename (one hash per line): ") with open(filename) as multi_file: for line in multi_file: multi_check(apikey, line.strip()) else: print("Choice not recognized, exiting.")